Charleston Style for Yamaha Tyros 2
Download Style:
209 bpm
Style Overall Rating & Reviews:
No Reviews
(to rate how well this style fits a particular song please use song specific ratings below)
Contributor: Geoff43
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Recommended for: Yamaha PSR-SX920
This style was adapted for other keyboards:
Fits Songs
Rate how well this style fits specific songs:
- James P. Johnson - Charleston
- Dean Martin - Five Foot Two
- Les Baxter - Poor People Of Paris
- Ella Fitzgerald - Yes Sir, That's My Baby
- James P. Johnson - The Charleston
- Various Artists - Black Bottom
- Various Artists - Don't Take That Black Bottom Away
- Various Artists - Just Wait 'Til You See My Baby Do The Charleston
- Various Artists - Le Danseur De Charleston
- Annette Hanshaw - Don't Take That Black Bottom Away
If you can think of any songs this style would fit well please make a suggestion.