ABBA - I Have a Dream Styles

Tempo: 106 bpm

Time Signature: 4/4

Key Signature: B♭

Style: ABBA I have a Dream

Fits Song: (0) | Overall Quality: (2)

Compatibility: PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 Tyros 3 Tyros 4 Tyros 5 Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600

Style: Country8Beat1 F

Fits Song: (0) | Overall Quality: (0)

Compatibility: PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 Genos 2 Genos

Style: Country8Beat1 F

Fits Song: (0) | Overall Quality: (0)

Compatibility: Genos 2 Genos

Style: Country8Beat1 F

Fits Song: (0) | Overall Quality: (0)

Compatibility: Genos Genos 2

Style: I Have A Dream by Javert Vitolo

Fits Song: (0) | Overall Quality: (0)

Compatibility: PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 Tyros 3 Tyros 4 Tyros 5 Genos 2 Genos PSR-S670 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600