StylePlayer In an open, 5-star voting system, 5 stars should be the very best, and the very best in the Yamaha keyboard world is Yamaha factory styles and some styles made commercially by independent companies, that should not appear here. If you think that factory styles are outside the voting system, then they should be locked out of it, given 5 stars og 6 stars or whatever, automatically. Then we can vote on the rest. If I were to rate different factory styles according to what I like best, then musical taste comes in, as yet another variation on what the stars means.
For "Fits songs" I believe it is wrong that factory styles are not song specific. Yamaha has been critizised for making styles too song specific. In the "Playlist for Genos2", there are a lot of styles that are perfect for one song, but can be also very good for others. Other styles are generic for a certain musical genre and can be used widely for songs in that genre.
Song-styles should be 5-star styles, as they are meant to fit a specific song, but often less successful, especially when combined with low Overall quality.
I don't doubt that every contributor will use their own intrepetation of the voting system. This was mine, as an example. If you succed in getting a lot of votes on each style, then you may get what you want, or else every style will gravitate towards a middle score, because there is no agreement on what is a good or bad style.