Let me add some reamarks.
To enter the /StyleVoice/ folder, you have to start with the style concerned (i.e. StandardRock) and then change to MIXER. Click on the respective voice (i.e. Bass channel > E.BassRock2).
The bottom line information shows the folder /StyleVoice/Bass/ .
The shown style voice E.BassRock2 (S.Art2) has the ID number 008-081-018.
If you search that voice in Genos2's (on R1,2 or3), it shows now 008-065-018 for the same voice name.
I did those steps with all of the further given voice-IDs StylePlayer mentioned.
Style BigRockBallad - 008-054-057 (CrescendoTrumpets (S.Art)) > not found in Genos2 PresetVoices
Style DetroitSoul - 008-080-082 (FunkBaritoneSax (S.Art2)) > Genos2 PresetVoices as follows:
Brass: 008-064-082
EnsembleV.: 009-064-082
Style TheBlues - 008-081-082 (BaritoneSax (S.Art2)) > Genos2 PresetVoice 008-065-082
Style R&B SoulBallad - 008-080-065 (MuteTrumpet (S.Art2)) > Genos2 PresetVoicesd as follows:
Brass: 008-064-065
EnsembleV.: 009-064-065
Style SouthernSoul - 104-001-042 (PresetVoice StringQuartet) > Genos2 LegacyVoice 000-114-050
Style R&B SlowBallad - 104-001-042 (ClassicViola) > not found in Genos2 PresetVoices
Style R&B Shuffle - 104-004-017 (PresetOrganFlutes/RichBars) > not found in Genos2 PresetVoices
Style 60sPsychedelicRock - 104-003-017 (BalladOrgan) > Genos2 PrfesetVoice 010-005-001
The entry for those "hidden" voices is to start with a style via MIXER and respective voice which brings you to all other Genos2 voices which are not listed in the display's preset voices for LEFT, RIGHT 1,2 and 3.
Many styles with the resp. elder channel voices are transferred from former keyboards, like Tyros-Series, Genos1 and PSR's as well. They need those elder unchanged voices (i.e. Legacy, GM/XG, GM2, MegaVoices) which are available in those "hidden" voice areas. And we have to take in mind, most of the Genos2 voices were improved concerning sound and effects. That would explain the "miracle" of different IDs for the same voice-name.