The "Song detail" page is sooo useful. Please add a button, so users can build their catalog of favorite songs to play, study, experiment,...
I know, it could be done via browser favorites, but have it inside you app would be a lot more useful !

Love your project, keep up, so this community gets massive !


    To elaborate more: I think most useful it would be an option to add a song to your favorites list.
    Then in your user area you would have a list with links to your favorite songs. A click on the song would take you to the songs homepage where you already have all tabs with goodies together (proposed styles, lyrics, videos, notations,...).

    So if you are focusing to learn some songs, you dont have to search and browse each time through all lists as they will get a lot bigger.

    Additional, you could then get notifications if something was added to your favorited songs ( new suggested style, notation, comment...).

    Just some thoughts.
