Yamaha CVP-809 Styles
Style: Dixieland OTS Mega
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX920 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 Tyros 5 Tyros 4 Tyros 3 Tyros 2 CVP-909 CVP-905 CVP-809 CVP-805 CVP-709 CVP-705 CVP-609 CVP-605 PSR-S975 PSR-S970 PSR-S950 PSR-S910 PSR-S775 PSR-S770 PSR-S750 PSR-S710
Style: Act Naturally OTS Mega SFF1
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX920 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 Tyros 5 Tyros 4 Tyros 3 Tyros 2 CVP-909 CVP-905 CVP-809 CVP-805 CVP-709 CVP-705 CVP-609 CVP-605 PSR-S975 PSR-S970 PSR-S950 PSR-S910 PSR-S900 PSR-S775 PSR-S770 PSR-S750 PSR-S710 PSR-S700
Style: Ibiza2010 F OTS
Fits Songs:
- ABBA - Take A Chance On Me
- Patrick Hernandez - Born to Be Alive
- Bellini - Samba De Janeiro
- Robert Miles - Children
- Safri Duo - Samb-Adagio
- Los Umbrellos - No Tengo Dinero
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-905 CVP-805
Style: ModernHipHop F OTS
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos CVP-909 CVP-809 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 CVP-905 CVP-805
Style: NatureHipHop F OTS Mega
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 Tyros 5 Tyros 4 Tyros 3 CVP-909 CVP-905 CVP-809 CVP-805 CVP-709 CVP-705 CVP-609 CVP-605 DGX-670 PSR-S975 PSR-S970 PSR-S950 PSR-S910 PSR-S775 PSR-S770 PSR-S750
Style: R&B SlowBallad F OTS Mega
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 CVP-905 CVP-805
Style: Reggaeton1 F OTS Mega
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos CVP-909 CVP-809
Style: RockYaBeatbox F OTS Mega
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos CVP-909 CVP-809 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720
Style: SingItDisco F OTS Mega
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 CVP-909 CVP-905 CVP-809 CVP-805
Style: StreetBeatbox F OTS Mega
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos CVP-909 CVP-809 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720
Style: SynthElectro F OTS
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos CVP-909 CVP-809 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720
Style: TrancePop F OTS
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: PSR-SX920 Genos 2 Genos CVP-909 CVP-809 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 CVP-905 CVP-805
Fits Songs:
Compatibility: Genos 2 Genos PSR-SX920 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 Tyros 5 Tyros 4 Tyros 3 CVP-909 CVP-905 CVP-809 CVP-805 CVP-709 CVP-705 CVP-609 CVP-605 DGX-670 PSR-S975 PSR-S970 PSR-S950 PSR-S775 PSR-S770