BritPopSwing Style for Yamaha
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(to rate how well this style fits a particular song please use song specific ratings below)
Hover over to see a detailed breakdown of auto detected compatibility issues which you can also use as a guide to what would it take to fix them:
Genos: | Genos 2 Genos |
PSR-SX: | PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 |
Tyros: | Tyros 3 Tyros 4 Tyros 5 Tyros 2 |
PSR-S: | PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S970 PSR-S775 PSR-S975 PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S700 PSR-S900 |
CVP: | CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-709 CVP-609 CVP-605 CVP-705 CVP-805 CVP-905 |
DGX: | DGX-670 |
Recommended for: Yamaha Tyros 3, Yamaha CVP-909, Yamaha CVP-809, Yamaha CVP-709, Yamaha CVP-609, Yamaha Tyros 4, Yamaha Tyros 5, Yamaha Genos 2, Yamaha Genos, Yamaha CVP-605, Yamaha CVP-705, Yamaha CVP-805, Yamaha CVP-905, Yamaha DGX-670, Yamaha PSR-SX920, Yamaha PSR-SX720, Yamaha PSR-S950, Yamaha PSR-S770, Yamaha PSR-S970, Yamaha PSR-S775, Yamaha PSR-S975, Yamaha PSR-SX900, Yamaha PSR-SX700, Yamaha PSR-SX600
This style was adapted for other keyboards:
- BritPopSwing Genos 2 CVP-605 CVP-705 CVP-805 CVP-905 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-709 CVP-609 DGX-670 PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 Tyros 2 Tyros 3 Tyros 4 Tyros 5 Genos PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S970 PSR-S775 PSR-S975 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 PSR-S700 PSR-S900
- BritPopSwing PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 CVP-805 CVP-905 PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 CVP-605 CVP-705 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-709 CVP-609 DGX-670 Tyros 2 Tyros 3 Tyros 4 Tyros 5 Genos 2 Genos PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S970 PSR-S775 PSR-S975 PSR-SX600 PSR-S700 PSR-S900
- BritPopSwing PSR-S975 CVP-705 CVP-805 CVP-905 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-709 CVP-609 PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 Tyros 5 Genos 2 Genos PSR-S970 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 Tyros 4 CVP-605 DGX-670 Tyros 2 Tyros 3 PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S775 PSR-SX600 PSR-S700 PSR-S900
- BritPopSwing Tyros 5 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-709 Genos 2 Genos CVP-805 CVP-905 PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 PSR-SX900 CVP-605 CVP-705 CVP-609 DGX-670 Tyros 2 Tyros 3 Tyros 4 PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S970 PSR-S775 PSR-S975 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600 PSR-S700 PSR-S900
- BritPopSwing Tyros 4 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-709 CVP-609 Tyros 5 Genos 2 Genos CVP-705 CVP-805 CVP-905 PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 PSR-S970 PSR-S975 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 CVP-605 DGX-670 Tyros 2 Tyros 3 PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S775 PSR-SX600 PSR-S700 PSR-S900
- BritPopSwing Genos Genos 2 CVP-909 CVP-809 CVP-605 CVP-705 CVP-805 CVP-905 CVP-709 CVP-609 DGX-670 PSR-SX920 PSR-SX720 Tyros 2 Tyros 3 Tyros 4 Tyros 5 PSR-S700 PSR-S900 PSR-S710 PSR-S910 PSR-S750 PSR-S950 PSR-S770 PSR-S970 PSR-S775 PSR-S975 PSR-SX900 PSR-SX700 PSR-SX600
Fits Songs
Rate how well this style fits specific songs:
- Travis - Why Does It Always Rain On Me
- The Move - Flowers In The Rain
- The Turtles - Elenore
- The Kinks - Sunny Afternoon
- The Turtles - Happy Together
- The Beatles - Penny Lane
- The Beatles - Michelle
- The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends
- The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
- The Beatles - Love Me Do
- Right Said Fred - Deeply Dippy
- Johnny Cash - A Thing Called Love
- The Beatles - All You Need Is Love
- 10cc - The Things We Do For Love
If you can think of any songs this style would fit well please make a suggestion.